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He admires Rin to the point of wanting to specialize in two swimming styles (breaststroke and freestyle), just like him, and does anything he can for Rin. He is a hardworking swimmer who recognizes his own limits, but often pushes himself to extremes in trying to improve. He is a friendly and slightly chatty person, sometimes saying a little too much, like when he mentions that all the Iwatobi swim team members have girly names only to be reminded by Rin Matsuoka's glare that Rin also has a girly name. His swimwear is a purple and yellow square-leg swimsuit, and he is sometimes seen wearing a Samezuka Academy jacket. A notable feature of his is a beauty mark, which is located diagonally under his right eye.

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He appears to be the shortest member of the Samezuka swim team, but nevertheless, is about average height. Aiichiro has light blue eyes and short gray hair with straight bangs.

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